Education & Professional Development

Education & Professional Development

Becoming a member of professional associations and organizations is a great way for staff involved in grant administration and research development to stay on top of the standards within your profession, become involved advocating for or against legislation that impacts your industry, or gain access to resources, information, and new opportunities that non-members may not have access to.

Having opportunity for education through events and conferences is one of the most valuable things you can do to nurture your career. Beyond that, being part of a network of other professionals can connect you with like-minded individuals on the local and even global levels and allow you to build long-lasting relationships that you carry throughout your career.

For Grantseekers

The ORED Seminar Series happens across the academic year. In the fall and spring semesters, events are planned that highlight trending research topics, educate the public on federal and state funding agencies, and provide research administration development for faculty and staff. These events are presented in a variety of ways.

The Symposia Track are usually half-day events held on campus that provide a platform for stakeholders, faculty, and students to engage around a central theme. These events include a keynote talk, guest panels for a multidisciplinary perspective, and lightning talks along with opportunities for students to engage.

The Seminar Tracks focus on trending and timely topics with potential relevance to a large segment of the research community. Seminars will feature internal and external guests and have a secondary goal of encouraging collaboration and awareness.

The Responsible Conduct of Research Track delivers content to help fulfill requirements for Responsible Conduct of Research credits. The Office of Research Compliance provides the content, and the programs are usually offered both in-person and virtually.

The Funder Focus Track events provide comprehensive overviews of a specific agency or sponsor, including a review of the agency’s priorities and major funding initiatives. These programs offer an overall picture of the development and support needed for preparing and submitting proposals to these agencies. Typically, these are in-person events.

Research Seminar Series

For Research Administrators


The major goal of Departmental Administrators Working Group (DAWG) is the development and application of knowledge and skills in the area of sponsored project administration. Participants in the class will understand sponsored projects with a greater appreciation for their complexity.

The following are the class objectives:

  1. Acquire an understanding of the basic concepts of sponsored project administration;
  2. Demonstrate how an understanding of sponsored project administration will enhance the participants' ability to help solve and manage their daily work environment;
  3. Apply the skills in the workplace that the participant will need as a professional;
  4. Increase confidence as a departmental administrator; and
  5. Increase knowledge of Sponsored Projects related resources

National Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA)

NCURA is a non-profit professional society dedicated to advancing the profession of research administration through education and professional development programs, the sharing of knowledge and experiences, and the fostering of a diverse, collegial, and respected global community.

Society for Research Administrators International (SRAI)

SRA is the premier global research management society providing education, professional development and the latest comprehensive information about research management to professionals from over 40 countries.

National Organization of Research Development Professionals (NORDP)

The mission of  NORDP is to advance the global capacity for and impact of research by strengthening the practice and profession of research development. NORDP fosters a culture of inclusive excellence by actively promoting and supporting diversity, inclusion, and equity in al its forms to expand our worldview, enrich our work, and elevate our profession.