Our Newsletters

Our Newsletters

Our office provides several key resources for grantseekers: monthly "TOPS" and "Grantwriting News" newsletters with curated funding opportunities and professional development events, and weekly "Fuller Grant Updates" and "Fuller International Funding Opps" for detailed federal and international funding information.

Researcher Funding Opportunities
Targets of Opportunity (TOPS)

Sent at the beginning of each month, TOPS contains a few curated funding opportunities along with upcoming federal and institutional professional development events geared for grantseekers, research administrators and adjacent positions.

Academic Funding Insights
Grantwriting News

Sent monthly, the Academic Funding Strategies, LLC, newsletter contains both articles and links to resources on the web, and includes topics of interest, funding opportunities, and writing tips related to the academic extramural funding landscape.

Federal Funding
Fuller Grant Updates

Sent every Wednesday, this resource curated by Dr. Marty Fuller of Federal Solutions provides information about funding opportunities and meetings from various federal agencies of interest to the MSU community.

International Funding
Fuller International Funding Opps

Sent every Friday, this grants update by Dr. Marty Fuller provides information from federal agencies that exclusively relate to the international world. These are not included in the regular fuller grant updates.